[A.I.] Song about Bible

 Verse 1:

In the beginning, there was nothing but void,

Then God spoke, and creation was deployed.

He formed the heavens, the earth, and the sea,

A masterpiece of love, for all to see.


From Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,

To Noah and the ark where animals were leadin',

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, their faith so strong,

The story of the Bible, it goes on and on.

Verse 2:

Moses led his people out of Egypt's land,

With miracles and signs, guided by God's hand.

The Ten Commandments, a covenant so true,

A roadmap for life, for me and you.


From Joshua and the walls of Jericho's fall,

To David and Goliath, a giant standing tall,

Solomon's wisdom, a temple built with care,

The story of the Bible, it's a treasure to share.


Prophets spoke of hope and redemption,

Foretelling the coming of a Savior's ascension.

In Bethlehem, a humble birth took place,

Jesus, God's son, extending love and grace.

Verse 3:

He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind,

Fed the hungry, brought peace to troubled minds.

He taught of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice,

A living example of God's eternal prize.


From the miracles performed along the way,

To the cross where Jesus bore our sins that day,

But death couldn't hold Him, for He rose again,

The story of the Bible, it never ends.


Through faith, we're connected to the ancient past,

And the message of love, it will forever last.

The story of the Bible, it's a gift so grand,

A testament to God's eternal plan.
