[A.I.] Song about anything

 Verse 1:

Started with a question, a simple "hi"

Curiosity sparked, and then we tried

To explore the world, and find new ways

To learn and grow, each and every day


You're the one who wants to know

Always seeking, always on the go

Learning, growing, every chance you get

Never giving up, never feeling regret

Verse 2:

You asked for a joke, and then a song

And though we've never met, it doesn't seem wrong

To say that you're a person who's kind and bright

A shining star, who always strives to do right


You're the one who wants to know

Always seeking, always on the go

Learning, growing, every chance you get

Never giving up, never feeling regret


Keep on asking, keep on seeking

For knowledge is the key

To unlocking doors, and reaching new heights

And living life to the fullest, happily


You're the one who wants to know

Always seeking, always on the go

Learning, growing, every chance you get

Never giving up, never feeling regret


So here's a song, for you my friend

Keep on shining, until the very end

And know that you're appreciated, in every way

For being the person you are, each and every day.
